Festival Activities At A Glance
Festival Activities At A Glance
Bee Hive Demonstration 10-11/1-2 pm
Leader: Jim Strohm, Journeyman Beekeeper, Charleston Community Bee Gardens
Location: Sewee Visitor Center
Bird Banding & Identification 8-10 am
Leader: Aaron Given, Wildlife Biologist, Kiawah Island
Location: Garris Landing, Cape Romain NWR
Birds of Prey Flying Demonstration 3-4 pm
Leaders: The Center for Birds of Prey Staff
Location: Sewee Visitor Center
Bulls Island Explorations 7:30-1:30 pm
Pre-Registration Required Max: 15
Call 843.881.4582 Ages 18+
Leaders: Wil Christenson, Marine Biologist and Naturalist
David McLean, Biologist and bird surveyor, Cape Romain NWR
Location: Bulls Island. Arrive at Garris Landing at 7:00 am
Butterfly & Dragonfly/Insect Walk 10:30-1:30 pm
Leader: Billy McCord, Biologist, SC Department of Natural Resources
Location: Francis Marion NF. Check in at Sewee Center Registration by 10:15
Edible Plant Walk 9-11 am
Leader: Vaughan Spearman, Stewardship Forester, SC Forestry Commission
Location: South Tibwin Trail, Francis Marion NF
Family Fishing at Sewee Pond 9-3 pm
Leader: Self-led activity
Location: Sewee Visitor Center
Fly Fishing with Project Healing Waters 10-2 pm
Leaders: Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing Veterans
Location: Sewee Visitor Center
Hunnah! Gullah Storytelling 12 pm
Leader: Beatrice Rodriques, Gullah Museum, Georgetown
Location: Sewee Visitor Center
Hampton Plantation State Historic Site Tours 12/2 pm
Leader: Hampton Plantation Ranger
Location: Hampton Plantation State Historic Site. Arrive 30 min early.
First come first serve. Pick up Festival ID wrist band at Sewee Center
Indigo Dyeing 1-3 pm
Leader: Hampton Plantation Interpreter
Location: Hampton Plantation State Historic Site. Arrive 30 min early.
First come first serve. Pick up Festival ID wrist band at Sewee Center
Ion Trail Nature Hike 9:30-11:30 am
Leader: Gabe Shuler, Naturalist, Cypress Gardens
Location: Ion Swamp Trail, Francis Marion NF
Keynote: Sea Turtles and Salt Marshes - Conserving the Loggerhead Sea Turtle 4:00 pm
Speaker: Sally Murphy, Biologist, Co-Leader U.S. Sea Turtle Recovery
Team 1979-1989
Location: Sewee Visitor Center, Auditorium
Longleaf Pine Naval Stores Production10 – 2:45 pm
Tar Production: 10-11/12:30-1:30 pm
Turpentine Production: 11:15-12:15/1:45-2:45 pm
Pitch Production: Ongoing
Leaders: Interpreters, Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson State Historic Site
Location: Sewee Visitor Center
Mama Hattie’s Memories 11:30-12 pm
Leader: Rose Atterberry, Gullah Geechee Historian
Location: Sewee Visitor Center
Native Plant Landscaping and Walk at Sewee 10-11 am
Leader: John Brubaker, Naturalist, Founder of Lowcountry Chapter of SC
Native Plant Society
Location: Sewee Visitor Center
Nature Photography Workshop 10-12 pm
Leader: Walter Shockley, Professional Nature Photographer
Location: Sewee Visitor Center
Red Wolf Program 10-11/11:30-12:30/1-2 pm
Leader: Rob Johnson, Red Wolf Caretaker, Sewee Visitor Center
Location: Sewee Visitor Center
Reptile and Amphibian Demonstration 10-3 pm
Leader: Ben Morrison, Biologist, The Amphibian and Reptile
Conservancy; Local Reptile Experts
Location: Sewee Visitor Center
Sewee Shell Ring Walk 9:30-11:30 am
First come first serve Max: 20
Leader: Christina Stewart, Archeologist, Francis Marion NF
Location: Sewee Shell Ring Trail, Francis Marion NF
Sweet Grass Basketry Workshop 10-11:30 am
Pre-Registration Required Max: 12
Call 843.928.3368
Leader: Vera Maniqault, Gullah Basketry Artisan
Location: Sewee Visitor Center
Tibwin Bird Walk 8:30-12 pm
Max: 20
Leader: Matthew Marbert, Interdisciplinary Forest Technician, Francis Marion NF
Location: South Tibwin Trail, Francis Marion NF
Wambaw Creek Kayak & Canoe Paddle 9-12/12-3 pm
Pre-Registration Required Max – 10 per trip
Call 843.697.2075
Leader: Nature Adventures Outfitters Staff
Location: Wambaw Creek, still boat landing, Francis Marion NF
Wildflower Walk at Carolina Bay 10-1 pm
Leaders: Richard Porcher, PhD, Emeritus Professor, The Citadel
Joel Gramling, PhD, Professor of Plant Ecology & Curator of The Citadel Herbarium
Location: Francis Marion NF
Youth Archery 10-11/11-12/1-2/2-3 pm
Leader: Certified Archery Instructors, Bowhunters of SC
Location: Sewee Visitor Center
Youth Boating - DNR Boat Simulator Trailer 10-3 pm
Leader: SCDNR staff
Location: Sewee Visitor Center
Youth Build a Bird Feeder to Take Home 10-2 pm
Leaders: Friends of Coastal South Carolina
Location: Sewee Visitor Center
Youth Community Fireman 9-3 pm
Leaders: Awendaw McClellanville Fire Department
Location: Sewee Visitor Center
Youth Face Painting 10-3 pm
Location: Sewee Visitor Center
Youth Fishing Workshop 9-10/11-12 pm
Leaders: Sampit Bassmasters of Georgetown
Location: Sewee Visitor Center
Youth Forest Management for Wildlife 10-11 am
Leader: Jestin Clark, Biologist, Francis Marion NF
Location: Sewee Visitor Center
Youth “JAKES Take Aim” 10-3 pm
NWTF Inflatable BB Gun Range
Leader: Lowcountry Longbeards Committee members, National Wild Turkey Federation
Location: Sewee Visitor Center
Youth Nature Art – Crafting with Shells 9-3 pm
Leaders: McClellanville Arts Council
Location: Sewee Visitor Center
Youth Pollinator Patrol 11-12 pm
Leader: Dwight Williams, Entomologist, Bottletree Nursery
Location: Sewee Visitor Center
Youth Pond Ecology-Life in the Pond 12-1 pm
Leader: Maya Stojkovich, Educator, Friends of Coastal SC, David Eslinger,
PhD, Oceanographer, NOAA
Location: Sewee Visitor Center
Youth Turtles N Tots 10-10:30 am
Leader: Maya Stojkovich, Educator, Friends of Coastal SC
Location: Sewee Visitor Center