The next Bulls Bay Nature Festival will be on
Saturday, May 18, 2024
7:30am - 5:00pm
At the Sewee Center and other locations.
The festival is a day full of fun for everyone! Activities Include:
Photography workshop at the Sewee Center
Edible and native plant walks
Bird and Wildflower walks
Historic tours at Hampton Plantation and Sewee Shell Ring
Gullah Geechee Stories and Songs
Red wolf, Reptile, raptor, and beekeeping programs
Sweet grass basketry workshop
Fishing in Sewee Pond
Workshops & Events for the kids
Fishing, insect discovery and identification. Fresh water pond explorations.
Sea Turtle Program. Turtle hats. Face Painting. Boat simulator. Inflatable BB gun range.
Archery. Build a Bird Feeder. Nature Crafts
Wildlife Art Contest and Exposition
Students from St. James Santee Elementary and Middle School as well as Cape Romain Environmental Education Charter School (CREECS) will showcase their creativity and talents in a wildlife art exposition and competition. Note cards created from the winners of the 2019 Art Contest will be available for purchase at the festival and in the Bulls Bay community. All contributions from the sale of note cards purchase art supplies for the schools.
Community Vendors & Exhibitors
Native plant vendors and artisans will have pollinator plants, art and crafts on display and for purchase. Exhibitors from natural resource agencies, conservation organizations, and outdoor recreation businesses will have displays and materials available.
The day will be filled with musical entertainment for your enjoyment. Artists will include: Danielle Howle, Greg Smith, Lowcountry Gospel Singers, Hank and Friends, Black River Band and the Awendaw Community Singers.
Sea Turtles and Salt Marshes - Conserving the Loggerhead Sea Turtle
Sally Murphy to Deliver Keynote Address
Sally Murphy, acclaimed sea turtle authority, delivers the Festival Keynote at 4:00 pm. Sally shares her stories about how Nature affected her life as a child growing up in South Carolina and then, defined her career as she stepped up to meet the seemingly insurmountable challenges of sea turtle conservation. Her presentation is both personal and professional. Sally’s passion for the natural world, intertwined with a fierce dedication to her life’s work, leads to groundbreaking preservation and protections for the Loggerhead and other sea turtles in South Carolina, in the nation and globally.
Sally is the author of “Turning The Tide A Memoir”. Her book chronicles the creation of South Carolina’s sea turtle program, the evolution of the International Sea Turtle Society and the ACE Basin, and documents the decades-long battle for use of turtle excluder devices to protect sea turtles. Filled with her stories, Turning The Tide describes Sally’s personal and professional triumphs against tough odds. There will be a book signing following her presentation. Turning the Tide will be available for purchase throughout the day.
Sally began her career with the SC Department of Natural Resources as their first Environmental Education Specialist, holding the position for three years before her work as a state wildlife biologist. During her 30-year career as biologist, she created a comprehensive statewide sea turtle program that included research, monitoring, management, and outreach. Her work resulted in numerous publications, symposium presentations and reports. Sally coordinated both the sea turtle (1980-2006) and the marine mammal (1991-2003) stranding networks in the state.
Sally was Co-Leader of the U.S. Sea Turtle Recovery Team from 1979-1989 and a member of the U.S. Loggerhead/Green Turtle Recovery Team from 1989-1991. She served on the Protected Species Committee for the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission and on the Protected Resources Advisory Panel of the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council. She currently serves on the Beaufort County Historical Preservation Review Board and as president for Friends of Garden’s Corner from 2020 to present. She has volunteered for Heroes on Horseback in Bluffton since 2007.
Sally has received several recognitions and awards that include the inaugural Lifetime Achievement Award in Environmental Stewardship from the South Carolina Aquarium in 2007 and a Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Sea Turtle Society in 2011. In 2018, she received the “Hall of Fame” award from the Southeastern Regional Sea Turtle Network.